Monday, October 6, 2008

- So Bored I'll Grow a Beard.

I'm gonna do it! I've thought long and hard, these desperate times call for desperate actions. I'm going to grow a beard to insure this great nation of ours makes the correct choice on November 4th.

I will not shave until the results of the Presidential election are known. This, in my infinite wisdom will absolutely insure that Barrack Obama will become the next President of this ransacked United States.

How could a plan so perfect, so simple not work? Spending as much time as I do rolling on the highways with true Americans has convinced me of the purity of this noble endeavor. Or just rattled my brain enough that I think this just might work.

I would love to challenge anyone to disprove this follicle act for change. change is as easy as just saying no to your razor.

Note: Thank you Ron English for the above illustration.

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